Allow Me to Blow Your Keyword Research & Topical Authority Mind

It’s been a while, not much mind-blowing going on recently, so let’s get straight to it.

We’re going to build a topical authority map for your website (or for any website ←- you could actually offer this as a service via Fiverr and Upwork and probably charge about $20-$30 for each one).

Then, we’re going to use this topical authority map to get some keyword ideas, and then we’re going to do some simple keyword research.

Furthermore, you can use these ideas for website content, you could use “parasite SEO” off platforms like Medium and Linkedin to rank in Google, plus, you can create other social media posts for links and traffic back to your website.

Plus, I’m going to go the FREE route to do this, so it won’t cost you a penny.

Using ChatGPT to Create Your Topical Authority Map

So, ChatGPT 4.0 is now completely free to use, which also means that you also have access to a wide range of additional custom GPTs.

I’m also going to use Rob’s website to do this (Sorry Rob, once again, I haven’t told you that I’m using you and your website as my guinea pig, but hopefully you won’t mind.

The first you need to do is log into ChatGPT.

Now, you’ll initially need to use Perplexity for this, and I will admit that the Pro. version would work better, but I want to keep everything free.

So, once inside ChatGPT and click on EXPLORE GPTs

Then, on the next page type PERPLEXITY into the search bar, and we’re just going to use one of theses customized GPTs, the top one is fine.

Click on the first Perplexity GPT and then when the pop-up appears click on START CHAT.

Next, once inside Perplexity use the prompt just below (now, remember, I am doing this for Rob’s website, so you simply need to change the website name to YOUR WEBSITE (or whoever's website you wish to do this for, plus, you could actually do this for a competitor website in your niche, which may give you more content ideas for your own website). This Perplexity GPT will use to obtain the information they require, don’t ask me, No Idea, lol, but it works fine, so just agree if it asks you if it’s okay to use Google Bridge.

look up and understand the website and what they are selling and try to focus as much as possible on their products, collections, etc. Finally, give me a detailed analysis of their focus on their website

Then press enter.

Perplexity will now give you a full analysis of the website:

Basically, you’ll get loads of information about your website.

Next, copy all the text and paste it into a notepad doc, or any doc of your choice, we’re going to come back to this in a moment.

Next, click on Explore GPTs again and when the search bar comes up type in TOPICAL AUTHORITY and click on the first result (fantastic GPT created by the legend that is Hamish)

Next, click on Start Chat.

Then, simply go back to your doc where you pasted your website analysis, copy that and paste it straight into the chat and press enter.

This will then provide you with “20 Pillar Pages For Website Name”.

Now, I don’t want you to confuse this with actual “pillar pages” (although you can do this, I’ll explain in a second).

Realistically, after Perplexity has analyzed your website and then ChatGPT has provided a topical authority map, these 20 “pillar pages” should actually be your website CATEGORIES.

In the image above (and obviously when you do this for yourself) you’ll notice on the right-hand side of the table it provides “url handles”, this is simply what the name of your category should be.

Next, once approved it tells you that it will create “20 potential subpages for each pillar page”.

This simply means it will give 20 potential article ideas (subpages) for your categories (pillar pages).

Now, to keep this easy, I’ve simply added a prompt asking for 10 “subpages”, but you can ask for as many or as little as you would like.

However, if you have 20 categories (pillar pages) and 20 articles per category (20 subpages per pillar page) this means you have 400 potential articles to write.

Anyway, I added this prompt just to cut things down a little (just for example purposes, as I say, you can ask for as many or as little “subpages” as you want)

Please give me the sub pillars, but give me 10 per pillar

And this is what I get:

So, basically, I’m going to get 10 article ideas for my 20 categories.

Now, I’m going to initially say that the ideas for Rob’s website don’t appear that great.

I’ve used this on a couple of other websites and the article ideas were much more in-depth.

That being said, I used a bit of brain power, some outside the box thinking, and I actually found some fantastic keywords from this list.

Next, we’re going to the Google search bar and “Google autosuggest”.

Plus, you need to install a browser tool in order to check the DA of all the websites ranking on page one.

My preferred tool, as many of you know, is Keywords Everywhere>>>

However, Keywords Everywhere isn’t free (although it does cost UNDER $20 PER YEAR), so you can install the MozBar>>>

My very basic keyword research is to paste a keyword into the Google search bar and then look for AT LEAST 2 websites ranking on page one that have a DA20 or lower (if it’s really close, i.e. DA21, DA22, that’s fine too, but the lower the DA the better chance you have of ranking on page one of Google for that keyword).

Anyway, I said I wasn't initially that impressed with the keywords/article ideas that ChatGPT gave me for Rob’s topical authority map, but once I investigated I was actually quite surprised.

So, Rob’s first suggested category (pillar page) was

Beer Reviews

And the first suggested article (subpage) was 

IPA Reviews

Do you see what I mean?

It doesn’t seem like a great keyword to target does it.

Once I went to Google I obviously discovered the other type of IPA was being listed, so I changed my keyword to 

IPA Beer Reviews

As you can see, ranking in position 4 for this keyword is a DA8 website and ranking in position 6 is a DA6 website.


There is one thing to note here.

Even though these are low DA websites with hardly any backlinks (proof that Google hasn’t decimated every single niche out there), the articles are 3 years and 1 year old respectively.

So, you’ve often heard that “SEO takes time”, and having checked in ahrefs (sorry not FREE, lol) these articles have only been in the top 10 results since January and March 2024 respectively.

Therefore, it took them some time a few Google updates to get to their respective ranking positions, but still, this is good news for Rob, he can target the keyword 

IPA Beer Reviews

Now, I’ve spoken about “searcher intent” and “user intent” (inside the private Parasite SEO course I believe), but the principle applies to everyone.

Initially, you want to target “searcher intent”, i.e. what Google THINKS the searcher wants to see.

All this means is, in order for Rob to rank for this keyword he needs to target the same type of “intent”, basically, write the same type of article.

Weirdly enough, the “intent” seems to be all over the place, i.e. there ISN’T just ONE TYPE of article written.

Some articles are listicles, e.g. Top 10, Best 12, etc. whereas some of the other articles, including the DA8 website, appear to be focusing on just ONE beer.

So, that is confusing in itself.

Here’s what I would do.

Take the urls of at least the top 3 articles and then the urls of the TWO low DA websites.

Go to ChatGPT and create a prompt along the lines of:

Here’s 5 articles targeting the keyword [IPA Beer Reviews]

[insert 5 urls here]

Please provide me an article outline to target this keyword, using the information from these 5 articles to provide me with headings, subheadings, topics to discuss, and an FAQ section.

This way you’ll get an article outline that incorporates ALL of the various “searcher intents” for this keyword.

Just so you know, Rob, the keyword, PALE ALE REVIEWS has TWO DA8 results (the same website and weirdly enough, the same DA8 website that was ranking for the last keyword, my recommendation ANALYZE THIS WEBSITE VERY CLOSELY, they’re obviously doing something VERY RIGHT).

Okay, let’s do one more bit of keyword research, but for something that requires a bit more research.

So, in the category (pillar page) HOME BAR TECHNOLOGY one of the subpage (article) suggestions is BEER FRIDGES.

Once more, this doesn’t seem like a very good keyword, i.e. it will be too competitive.

I’m not even going to check, as experience tells me it will be.

So, what we need to do is use a little but of outside the box thinking and a little bit of Google autosuggest.

So, the “out of the box” bit is let’s add the word BEST to the front of this, so


We know (or I do at least, lol) that this will still be too competitive a keyword to target, so let’s put this into the Google search bar and see what SUGGESTIONS Google provides us with:

Now, anyone who’s followed me for a while will (hopefully) know that when you place a word or phrase into the Google search bar the “suggestions” made by Google are REAL keywords that REAL PEOPLE have been searching for.

Furthermore, the HIGHER a phrase is on the list of suggestions the MORE TRAFFIC it gets, BUT, this can often mean that it has MORE COMPETITION.

The point being, you want to target keywords that get traffic, but you don;t want to target keywords that you have no hope of ranking for.

Anyway, I’ve already done this and I choose the suggested keyword

Best Beer Fridge For Man Caves

Do you know what, I’m not going to provide images or screenshots, YOU KNOW, I ALWAYS want you to go and check WITH YOUR OWN EYES what I’m doing (how many of you ACTUALLY do?)

So, go and check page one of Google for the keyword

Best Beer Fridge For Man Caves

And obviously ensure that you have Keywords Everywhere or the MozBar installed.

I’m seeing a DA12 website ranking at NUMBER ONE.

And positions 3,4,5 and 6 are ALL DA21 (although, it’s actually just two websites with two different articles ranking from each ←– I think it’s time for ALL of us to get into Rob’s niche, hahahahaha!!!)

Okay, this doesn’t hit the metrics of TWO websites ranking for a keyword with a DA20 or below, but we definitely have FIVE websites ranking with a DA21 or below.

I’d go for this keyword.

The only thing I’d be slightly worried about, as this is a “commercial keyword” (potential to make some money from your article) there is an image carousel at the top of the page, listing various beer fridges.

You have to sometimes look at things from an HUMAN PERSPECTIVE (how many of you do that?????)

A person types into Google

best beer fridge for man cave

They are immediately greeted by a massive image carousel (above the fold, i.e. they can’t see anything else withou scrolling), you’d have to say that probably about 60-70% of searchers would probably click on one of those images.

The images are all SHOPPING images, so mainly BIG companies like Amazon, B&Q, Curry’s, Argos, Debenhams, etc. (obviously ALL UK related for me).

So, this is something you need to  ALWAYS think about.

Sure, you can rank number one for this keyword quite easily, but the likelihood is that 60-70% of people searching that term will NEVER see your article… they’ve been “manipualted” by the “pretty pictures” at the top of the page and will probably click on one of them.

That being said, I would still write this article, as it doens’t seem overly difficult to rank on page one, some traffic to an article is better than no traffic to an article you decided not to write.

Right, I think that’s me done on this little keyword research and topical authority post.

I look forward to the questions, hahahaha!! (it’s fine, you know I love you all really)

After that, go get to it, make your topical authority maps for your websites and get loads of article ideas, do your Google page one research, and you're good to go.

Thank You For Reading


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  1. [quote data-userid=”4″ data-postid=”2001114″]

    When unavailable, Free tier users will be switched back to GPT-3.5.


    That kinda makes sense based on something I saw about ChatGPT the other day, can’t remember who it was now, but they kept saying, “It’s costing them money to allow you to use 4.0 for free”.

    But, from what you’ve said, it kinda makes sense now.

    It’s actually a decent bit of marketing, “Here’s what you’ve been missing, enjoyn using 4.0, oh no, it’s disappeared again now as it’s busy, so our paid memebrs can use it, but we’re switching you back to 3.5, but hopefully you’ll be able to access 4.0 soon when it isn’t as busy… but imagine how much more you could do with Plus”

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