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Who Here Just Wants to “Earn Some Money”?

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Soo, I finally read the rest,and the word is out, so yeah, it is me that you are helping out hahaha!

It is funny sometimes how you get my "Karma up " on Reddit Partha, is that you? hahahahahaa!

Made me chuckle in my thea!

See guys, that's the "Partha" part lol!

Seriously though, yes I was scared to ask, because I didn't want to offer a price way below your usual price, but glad I did.

And I don't know if it is something Partha has been doing or a combination of what I have been doing (will figure that out later), but the traffic in GA4 has been rising with almost 12% in the last 7 days, and about 9% in the last month.

That is: even though organic traffic has gone down even more. (well, I haven't looked at Bing yet).

So yeah, I'm positive again!

Conversion though, to be honest, looks a bit more difficult to get through socials, but that can be also because a lot of people are now buying DIY dollhouse kits through bloody Temu grrr.


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Posted by: @ohnoo_not_her

but the traffic in GA4 has been rising with almost 12% in the last 7 days, and about 9% in the last month.

That's great news Lizzy ... keep us posted 🙂

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@rohanm will do, probably in the next months though, it takes some sloooww time to build up Reddit 🙂

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@ohnoo_not_her I forgot to add, you;ve also got a message from a man, I think he's flirting with me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wonder how he'll feel when he finds out I'm a man!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Posted by: @partha

@ohnoo_not_her I forgot to add, you;ve also got a message from a man, I think he's flirting with me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wonder how he'll feel when he finds out I'm a man!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Didn't you receive a message like "what would you do if you came home and found out that I have shrinked?" Not even kidding, got that type of email once! Men are weird! loool 


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Posted by: @ohnoo_not_her

The latest March update he looked at me when I explained what was happening, and asked: so, do you think that maybe it is time to... I interrupted him: no!

Ha ha ... my advice: never let anyone tell you to abandon your dreams of financial freedom. Many years ago I let my family convince me that I was wasting my time. That put me back at least 15 years so now I'm playing catch up.

The irony is, now my family look at how many people are successfully earning a living online and they even sometimes ask me, "why don't you do something like that with your skills?" ... 🤣 

Watch this space!

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I don't what you mean, your account must have been hacked!!!


The MOST frustrating part of Reddit marketing is the first 4-6 weeks while you're trying to get your karma points to 1,000 and 1,000 (after that you can pretty much do what you want)

So, I came up with a plan, you have the 3 most popular subreddits open in different tabs (they often have like 10,000+ people online at a time).

You then constantly keep refreshing your browser until you find a post written in the last 30 minutes, then immediately comment, trying to get the first comment, and if not, reply to the first comment, which if you get in "early" enough you could get a few 100 upvotes!!!

NOT bloody working at the moment, hahahahahahahahha!! 

I'm sitting here refreshing every 5 minutes to see if I can quickly comment on a new posts!!!

It's so annoying!!!

But, if you do manage to get in there, you HAVE TO BE FUNNY to get those upvotes (plus, I have to keep remembering I'M A WOMAN!!!! hahahahahaha!!! I got the first comment on an extremely popular post, but described a girlfriend from when I was about 17... then realised I am YOU, so I can't say some of the things I said!!! Hahahahahahhahahahahhaha!!! So, got 120+ upvotes and then had to delete the comment before I set of a spam filter, hahahahahahhahaha!!)

But, it is still quite funny reading all the weirdo comments!!! LOL

Posted by: @ohnoo_not_her

It is funny sometimes how you get my "Karma up " on Reddit Partha, is that you? hahahahahaa!


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Posted by: @partha

If I'm completely honest, the success rate is 68% in getting an article to top 3!

Thank you Partha for another amazing reply and I really appreciate your honesty. That already puts you head and shoulders above 99.99999% of those 'gurus' that I may (or may not!) have followed in the past 🙂 I've learned so much from you!

Plus, a 68% chance of success sounds like pretty good odds to me!

The main product I'm looking at promoting is one of those YMYL products on Clickbank. I will write the other reviews around as many other similar products as I can and link back to the main product ... just as a little Medium Page Rank sculpting test 😎 Although I'm not going to be too choosy with the products ... if they're totally unrelated but look like good sellers I'm writing the review!

Thanks again Partha ... I'm very excited to get this rolling. My head is spinning with the possibilities here!

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